Jubilee Event Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Held

Sep 6, 2024 - 22:42
Jubilee Event Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Held

On September 5, an event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine and the presentation of the Encyclopedia of Western Azerbaijan and Karabakh was held on the 22nd floor of the Landmark Business Center in Baku.

Secretary of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan for International Relations and Translation Issues, renowned poet and translator Salim Babullaoglu, who opened the event with an opening speech, touched upon the extensive successes achieved by the My Azerbaijan International Magazine over the 20 years of its activity and congratulated the author of the Encyclopedia of Western Azerbaijan and Karabakh, Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences Emil Nasirli on the occasion of two prestigious events. Then Salim Babullaoglu gave the floor to the Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan, People’s Writer Anar.

Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan, People’s Writer Anar noted how gratifying to see that the pages of the magazine widely present interesting articles reflecting the ancient and rich culture, art, religious tolerance of Azerbaijan, our values, ancient traditions, comprehensive development, as well as improvement and reconstruction work ongoing in the country. In addition, the magazine has published numerous articles on the socio-political, socio-economic and cultural processes taking place in our republic, influential personalities of the world, famous businessmen, politicians, friends of Azerbaijan and people working in other areas. At the same time, People’s Writer Anar spoke about the importance of the international relations of the magazine established over the past period, noted that the Editor- in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli is a member of the Writers’s Union of Azerbaijan, touched upon the importance of the Encyclopedia of Western Azerbaijan and Karabakh of which he is the author.

Speaking at the event, the author of the Encyclopedia of Western Azerbaijan and Karabakh, Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan

International Magazine, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences Emil Nasirli noted that the staff of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine, which has achieved a number of successes over 20 years of activity, intends to continue to achieve important progress in the field of fully communicating the socio-economic development strategy of President Ilham Aliyev aimed at improving the well-being of the population, the position of our country in the international space, history, culture, art, as well as the truth about Azerbaijan to the international community.

Emil Nasirli also noted: "Today, I’m proud to present to you the delicately compiled and published Encyclopedia of Western Azerbaijan and Karabakh. Because this book reflected ancient and medieval sources, archival materials, information of the modern era, detailed and objective encyclopedic information about the history, geography, socio-political and socio-economic life of Western Azerbaijan, which is one of the regions of Azerbaijan with the most ancient and rich history and covers the territory that is today called the Republic of Armenia, as well as Karabakh, the original Azerbaijani land from both a historical and legal point of view, from ancient times to recent years, the ethnogenetic processes of the region, the historical conditions of the settlement of Azerbaijanis in different periods, the legal aspects of deportations, the fate of people affected by these processes, the historical and cultural heritage of our people, its falsification by Armenians, the armenization of our monuments dating back to the times of Christianity, the destruction of Muslim monuments, the change of our historical toponyms and geographical names, architectural monuments and their fate, examples of craftsmanship, socio-political, scientific, educational and cultural figures, as well as the First Karabakh War and the liberation of more than 300 settlements from occupation by the brave Azerbaijani army as a result of military operations that lasted 44 days, large-scale restoration, reconstruction and construction works of the head of state in the territories liberated from occupation, etc."

Emil Nasirli: "It should be especially emphasized that the meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with a group of intellectuals in the administrative building of the West Azerbaijan Community on

December 24, 2022 further strengthened the determination of our ancestors to return to their homeland. At this historic event, the head of state stated that the return of people deported by Armenians to their ancestral lands will be definitely carried out.

The editor-in-chief also added that the West Azerbaijan Community is carrying out thorough work among our compatriots and international organizations to return to their homeland. Thus, the creation of the Great Return Concept is evidence of the significant measures taken in this context. The message of the Concept developed by the West Azerbaijan Community is that the lost rights of thousands of our compatriots born and living in the historical lands of Azerbaijan, subjected to ethnic cleansing, genocide and deportation, must be restored peacefully through international law and international practice. All this further inspires us to continue our activities for the peaceful, safe and dignified return of our compatriots to their homes.

In conclusion of his speech, Emil Nasirli emphasized that the Encyclopedia of West Azerbaijan and Karabakh, which is the result of painstaking work, is very important as a source providing detailed information about both beautiful historical regions of our homeland.

The First Secretary of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan, People’s Writer Chingiz Abdullayev, PhD in Physics and Math, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, First Vice-President of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences, Academician Heydar Imanov, an outstanding writer, statesman and politician, Chairman of the Writers’ Union of the Kyrgyz Republic Kanybek Imanaliev, Vice-President of the Chingiz Aitmatov International Issyk-Kul Forum Anara Nasirova, Deputy Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan Zhakip Baurzhan, public figure of Kazakhstan Nasiha Kenzhina, Chairman of the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Kenes Karimov, Chairman of the Public Chamber of Moldova, public figure Aurelia Grigoriu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to our country Andrei Ravkov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to our country Ilkhom Abdurahmon, President of the Azerbaijani Branch of the International Academy of Sciences, Professor Elchin Khalilov and Chairman of the Council of Azerbaijani Scientists of Ukraine public organization, Doctor of Law, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor of the Odessa Law Academy National University, Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law, Academician of the National

Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine Arif Guliyev speaking at the event congratulated the staff of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine on its 20th anniversary and wished them new successes in their future activities.

During the event, Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan, People’s Writer Anar presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with the Certificate of Honor of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan.

Then Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Kyrgyzstan Kanybek Imanaliev presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with the Certificate of Honorary Member of the Writers’ Union of Kyrgyzstan and the Medal of Merit.

Deputy Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan Zhakip Baurzhan presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with a membership card of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan.

Chairman of the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Kenes Karimov presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with a membership card of the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and a national costume of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to our country Ilkhom Abdurakhmon presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with a membership card of the Writers’ Union of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Vice-President of the Chingiz Aitmatov International Issyk-Kul Forum Anara Nasirova presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with the Chingiz Aitmatov Order.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, poet, Deputy Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan Zhakip Baurzhan presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with a membership card of the Writers’ Union of Kazakhstan and a Kazakh national costume.
Chairperson of the Public Chamber of Moldova, public figure Aurelia Grigoriu presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with a gift symbolizing Moldova.

Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, First Vice-President of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences, Academician Heydar Imanov gave a speech and presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with a Full Member Diploma of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to our country Andrei Ravkov presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with the Certificate of Honor of the Embassy of Belarus.

The President of the Azerbaijani Section of the International Academy of Sciences, Professor Elchin Khalilov presented the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli with the Order of the International Academy of Sciences, and the Director of the Encyclopedia Publishing House, First Deputy of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Fikrat Nagiyev with a Certificate of Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences.

The Chairman of the Council of Azerbaijani Scientists of Ukraine Public Organization Doctor of Law, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor of the Odessa Law Academy National University, Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine Arif Guliyev presented the 5th volume of the book Legal and Political Diplomacy of Ukrainian-Azerbaijani Relations to the Editor-in-Chief of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine Emil Nasirli.

A documentary film dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the My Azerbaijan International Magazine was shown at the end of the event.

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